- According to researchers, living a healthy life after the age of 80 increases one’s chances of living to be 100.
- A healthy diet and regular exercise are essential components of this regimen.
- Experts say it’s never too late to start living a healthier lifestyle.
- A study published today in the journal JAMA Network Open shows that keeping a healthy lifestyle, even after the age of 80, can help people survive to the age of 100.

Researchers in China analyzed 1,454 centenarians and 3,768 persons who died before the age of 100.
They found that people with the greatest healthy lifestyle scores – based on smoking history, exercise routines, and nutritional diversity – were much more likely to live to 100 than those with the least healthy lifestyle practices.
According to the researchers, their findings imply that healthy practices might be beneficial even in old age.
Details from the study on healthy lifestyles after 80
According to the experts, prior studies found that lifestyle factors related to longer life, although the majority of them focused on midlife populations under the age of 60. Few concentrated on persons who were 80 years or older.
The researchers used data from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey, which was created in 1998 and is deemed nationally representative and one of the largest prospective cohorts aimed at adults aged 80 or older. Data from the community-based, prospective nested case-control study were examined between December 1, 2022 and April 15, 2024.
The team assigned healthy living scores ranging from 0 to 6, with higher scores indicating possibly better health outcomes. Researchers found that those with higher scores were more likely to reach 100.
The people who scored between 5 and 6 survived the longest. In fact, 276 of the 851 people in the highest (5-6) category became centenarians. Those with scores ranging from 0 to 2 lived the shortest time.
According to the research team, “with major progress in social, economic, and medical development, life expectancy at birth increased substantially in recent decades and was estimated at 73.5 years globally and 77.6 years in the mainland of China in 2019.”
“Parallel with the increased life expectancy, the aging population has been rapidly expanding, raising the public health challenge of promoting healthy aging and longevity,” according to the experts.

How to Live Longer
According to Dr. Scott Kaiser, a geriatrician and director of Geriatric Cognitive Health at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in California, living to the age of 100 is still unusual.
However, he stated that people’s prospects are improving as they realize that better living leads to a longer life.
“There’s definitely value in aiming for the 100-year-plus target,” Kaiser, who was not involved in the study, stated. “Striving to lead a long life may lead to making healthy choices — recognizing the many things we can do to drastically increase our odds of living longer and putting effort into making these positive changes to our behaviors and, even, mindset.”
Kaiser stated that trying to live longer included aiming to live better.
“At the same time, many of these things that are likely to pay off a longevity dividend will also likely increase our health span — the time that we’re free of major disease, healthy, and generally thriving,” according to him.
Kaiser compared maintaining a healthy physique to caring for an automobile.
“Much like a car you’re hoping to keep on the road, if you take care of your body as if you’re going to need to for 100 years, you’re far more likely to achieve your healthy longevity goals,” according to Kaiser.
5 Keys to a Healthy Lifestyle
Joy Puleo is the balanced body education director for the health website Balanced Body.
She identified five critical factors for longevity in life over 80: get your blood pumping, strength training, mindfulness through activities such as yoga and tai chi, work on physical balance, and “move for the fun of it.”
According to Puleo, who was not involved in the study, finding ways that work for you, that move you, and that you enjoy engaging in is a recipe for program adherence and creating habits that will make a difference. “From tango to boxing and everything in between… putting yourself first, setting time to create movement opportunities that you enjoy… this is what will train the body, sooth the mind and feed the soul.”

Puleo emphasized the importance of nutrition
“Eating well and in moderation is key to creating a healthy lifestyle. “Avoid processed and sugary foods, and eat for your health,” she advised.
The significance of sleep and movement
Puleo also stressed the need of prioritizing oneself, staying active, and getting plenty of sleep.
“Remembering that this is an opportunity to create who you want to become both physically and emotionally, and exercise can play a big role in what that looks like,” according to Puleo.
Dr. Snehal Smart, a patient advocate with The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com, stated that implementing lifestyle adjustments at the age of 80 can be tough.
“Even with small lifestyle changes and steps toward healthier living, individuals may be able to improve their chances of living to 100,” Smart, who did not participate in the study, told Medical News Today. “Some of these lifestyle modifications are undoubtedly recognizable to us, such as eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and exercising regularly. Leafy greens, root vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins are among the foods that have been linked to increased lifespan and a better, longer life. In terms of exercise, taking a brief stroll or completing seated exercises every day can be excellent options for older folks to improve their longevity. If the elderly person is mobile, helping at the local library or hospital can also help them stay active.”
According to Smart, it is not too late to quit smoking and start training the brain.
“This can be accomplished by engaging in word puzzles and crossword searches, which can help keep the brain busy. Meditation or yoga can help active seniors manage their stress. Some research has also found that elderly people who spend time with their grandchildren or care for pets may live longer and healthier lives,” she said.
Dietary Decisions
The planet’s longest-living societies all have access to food from fields and orchards nearby — that is, within a 10-mile radius of their residences. These ingredients have not been treated with pesticides or preservatives; they are still nutrient-dense and fiber-rich. Does that seem expensive? Late-life medical expenditures are no exception. - Eat a variety of vegetables.
So you’ll eat carrots, beets, and cucumbers. That’s all. Okay. However, if you want to maximize your lifespan potential and reduce your risk of everything from cardiovascular disease to macular degeneration, you must rotate through the entire menu: cruciferous vegetables, dark leafy greens, edible plant stems, roots, and marrows. - EAT UNTIL 80% FULL.
Hara hachi bu is a Japanese phrase that means “eat until you’re 80% full.” It’s an odd concept in America, where portion sizes are the largest in the world and continue to grow. However, determining your “slightly full” status will directly minimize your chances of cancer, heart disease, or stroke while providing your body with more energy and less bloating in the short term. https://a3fa4a037356ffb3178a5fadb9b47142.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html - Eat home-cooked family dinners.
Chef Fernard Point, the godfather of nouvelle cuisine, famously quipped, “Butter!” Give me butter! Always use butter!” Restaurants want their customers to depart satisfied, so they utilize a lot of flavor — salt, sugar, and fat. Everything adds up. According to one study, dining out twice a day raises your risk of dying early by 95%. Cooking is your best option. - Embrace complex carbohydrates.
The bread aisle is a good place to start learning about the differences between simple carbohydrates (Wonder Bread) and complex carbohydrates (100% whole-wheat breads). For example, the latter has a lot of fiber and provides long-term energy to the body. Look for more complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats, and barley. - Consider A Plant-Based Diet.
You do not need to give up meat. However, you should be aware that civilizations populated by centenarians consume little of it. While meat dominates most American meals, it appears only five times per month in Blue Zone diets, at a serving size of two ounces. And when it does, it comes from free-range animals that have not been given hormones or antibiotics. - Substitute meat with fish.
Including fish in your diet not only relieves the strain on your vegetarian cooking abilities, but it also increases your life expectancy significantly. One study discovered that “pesco-vegetarians” (those who consume up to three ounces of fish per day) live the longest, thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. If possible, choose for non-farmed, mid-chain fish such as trout, snapper, and sardine. - Try not to eat just before bedtime.
Your final meal of the day should be the smallest, and it should not be consumed within three hours of going to bed. If you’re continually craving a big supper or a bedtime snack, you’re definitely not eating enough throughout the day. It’s stress eating disguised as a reward, which results in indigestion in the short term and weight gain over time. - Allow yourself to feel hungry.
Don’t get bogged down in YouTube videos on “the perfect way to intermittently fast.” As renowned Harvard geneticist Dr. David Sinclair reminded us, “We don’t know the ideal strategy. We all know that if you’re never hungry, eating three meals a day and snacking in between is the worst thing you can do. It disables your body’s defenses. - Eat dark chocolate.
Most folks have heard this one. Dark chocolate is not an elixir in and of itself, but cacao tree seeds are part of a family of environmentally stressed plants that “activate longevity pathways in other organisms when consumed.” Replace your cookies and cupcakes with a small square on occasion to reap the benefits of flavanols and resveratrol. - Make more PB&Js.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are now popular. ESPN ran a story a few years ago about the NBA’s “secret addiction,” and Tom Brady soon disclosed that the PB&J is his preferred pregame food. A research published last year found that the sandwich can extend your life by 33 minutes. Remember to use whole wheat bread and natural jelly. - EAT MORE BEANS.
The core of the centenarian diet. Beans are high in fiber, protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins, yet low in fat and calories. They are just as filling as meat and are simple to prepare. David Buettner refers to beans as “the world’s greatest longevity food.” - Eat More Nuts.
Sure, you’ve heard it before. This does not make it any less true. One large study that followed roughly 119,000 Americans for 30 years discovered that habitual nut eaters (a handful or two of almonds per day) had a 20% lower risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease. - Cook with olive oil instead of butter.
Olive oil gives; butter takes away. While butter raises “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood (low-density lipoproteins), olive oil is a longevity superpower—in one study, participants in the highest percentile for consuming olive oil’s polyphenols lived an average of 9.5 years longer beyond the age of 65. Just make sure to buy extra virgin olive oil. - Put a cap on fun foods.
You don’t have to completely eliminate salty and sugary foods from your life, but you should know that they can’t happen every time you have a bad day at work in order to prevent empty calories and lower your risk of heart disease. That’s a counterproductive option. Save them for the appropriate time and place, such as special occasions, when you will appreciate them the most. https://a3fa4a037356ffb3178a5fadb9b47142.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html - Eat slowly.
For starters, choking to death would jeopardize your goal of living a long life. Slowing down while eating is also an effective method to avoid overeating. Remember, it can take up to 20 minutes for the stomach to metabolize what you’ve eaten. Take deliberate bites. Respect the meal and the effort required to prepare it. - Drink more water.
Here’s the rule: one-half to one ounce of water per pound of body weight is the ideal daily intake. A 180-pound male should aim for little more than 11 cups of water throughout the day. There’s no need to go beyond that (you’ll merely piss it out), but if you do so on a regular basis, your body’s command centers will reward you in kind. - DRINK RED WINE AT 5:00 p.m.
Red wine, like dark chocolate, is derived from a plant source that contains cholesterol-lowering flavanols. Some are skeptical of the link between alcohol and lifespan, yet learning to drink red wine in moderation can help you rebalance your relationship with the substance. Drinking a glass (ideally with companions) at the end of the day is a stress-relieving activity. - Drink tea every day.
Green tea appears everywhere in longevity studies. One well-known study discovered that drinking it three times a week reduces your chance of “atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.” If you enjoy it, you can consume up to two cups each day. It ensures that the “cardioprotective” polyphenols stay in your body for an extended period of time. - COFFEE IS ALSO GOOD IDEA.
Can a stimulant that causes jitters and difficulties sleeping help us live longer? Indeed. Aside from caffeine, the chemical compounds in coffee, which are rich in antioxidants, have a favorable impact on mortality, particularly when drunk in large quantities. Drinking many cups of coffee every day can help prevent chronic diseases including Type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s. - TRY THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET.
If you adopt any of the nutritional behaviors listed above—eating locally, substituting fish, and using olive oil—you’ll be well on your way. Nutritionists are understandably cautious of today’s fad diets, yet the Mediterranean diet is still well acknowledged for its capacity to alter microbiomes, improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of heart disease, and promote lifespan. - LET FOOD BE.
We want food that reflects our eccentric tastes (separating yolks to make egg whites), has a lot of flavor (peanut butter with additional sugar), or would look amazing on TikTok (deep-fried mac and cheese casseroles). However, these ideas do not align with the traditions of long-living cultures, which treat and cook whole foods as they are naturally grown. - STOP DRINKING COW MILK.
Why cannot 68% of the world’s population digest cow’s milk? We aren’t supposed to drink it. Milk, and dairy in general, are too rich in fat and sugar to maintain their long-standing reputation as the best source of protein and calcium. At the very least, cow’s milk has no effect on longevity, so feel free to substitute a more environmentally friendly option. - Know it’s never too late.
A month of healthy diet will yield rapid results in terms of cell regeneration, reduced inflammation, and improved digestion. Starting young is ideal, but it does not matter how old you are. Meet with your doctor ahead of time to have your bloodwork done. Then come back and observe the changes, particularly in vascular health. - Stick to Your Dietary Changes.
Your body will rebel once you give up your unhealthy habits for a few days. It will surely be easier to return to butter, processed foods, and the two vegetables you genuinely enjoy. Take note of all the wonderful tiny improvements, from your walks up the stairs to your trips to the restroom. Eating healthily will improve your life, allowing you to live it more fully. - Sleep more than seven hours a night.Quality sleep is essential if you want to live a long and healthy life. Maintain an undersleeping pattern, and weariness will permeate everything you do: exercise, food, and personal relationships. Sleeping five hours per night doubles your risk of mortality. Try to log seven and maintain it there. Too much sleep also has a negative impact on longevity.
- Practice yoga.
There are no surprises here. Yoga reduces the effects of stress on cellular aging. Multiple studies (see here and here) have lauded the benefits of just three months of committed yoga. The combination of physical effort, breathwork, and meditation reduces inflammation while balancing hormones that cause chronic stress (such as cortisol). - MEDITATE 15 MINUTES PER DAY.
Even if you can’t commit to a rigorous yoga practice, making time each day to “quiet” your mind is likely to be a life-long habit. When we use personal interventions to reduce brain activity, the brain activates RE1-Silencing Transcription factor, a protein that “allows the brain to function at a higher capacity with less strain.” - Schedule an annual physical.
“Physician-dodging” is a concerning status quo for men aged 35 to 54. Only 43% of the middle-aged population reported going to the doctor for an annual physical. Blame it on busyness (or, more likely, a combination of toxic masculinity and unrecognized vulnerability), but men are frequently delayed in receiving diagnoses and die early as a result. - Start Strength Training.
By the age of 70, most of us have lost a quarter of our strength and struggle to execute fundamental chores, thus “functional fitness” takes on a completely new meaning. In fact, those with low physical power are 50% more likely to die prematurely. Begin strength training early on, with a concentration on grip strength, which will be most useful in your later years. - MOVE EVERY DAY!
Walking for just 11 minutes each day can significantly reduce the mortality risks associated with hours spent sitting in front of a computer. Leaving the house for a walk every day, like drinking tea and eating beans, is something all Blue Zone communities do. Determine a time of day that works for you and schedule a daily constitutional, rain or shine. - Optimize your workplace.
A dose of realism to all the longevity talk: most of us aren’t tending goats on a hill overlooking the Aegean. We spend the majority of the day addressing emails. In that less-than-ideal circumstance, make sure your screen is at eye level, your back is against an ergonomic chair, and your feet are planted on the floor. Spinal health becomes increasingly important as you get older. - Maintain an active sex life.
Or, at the very least, an active orgasm life, particularly as you get older. A Welsh study of men aged 45 to 59 found that “high orgasmic frequency” can reduce death risk by up to 50%. Meanwhile, regular sex with a partner reduces stress and the risk of prostate cancer, while also lowering blood pressure and enhancing mood. - HANG FROM A BAR FOR ONE MINUTE DAILY
In the “text neck” era, a daily dead hang will restore mobility to your shoulders. The practice decompresses the spine and strengthens the upper back. One minute at a time is really difficult, therefore feel free to divide the challenge into several increments. Don’t be shocked if the move also increases your grip strength. - Turn the volume down.
Damage to the ossicles is irreparable. Train yourself to listen to AirPods and similar devices at modest volumes. Pumping 90 decibels (80% of an iPhone’s authorized loudness) into your ears for just 10 minutes will set you up for tinnitus. Because of the impact on quality of life, those with severe hearing loss are more likely to die younger. - Breathe through your nose.
When we breathe through our noses, the nasal tube humidifies and compresses the air. It creates nitric oxide, which is a chemical that “screens” air particles before they reach the lungs. Once there, the lungs can circulate oxygen more efficiently throughout the body. This isn’t a simple transition (more than half of Americans breathe through their mouths), but it’s worthwhile since the practice can enhance lung capacity, which improves cardiorespiratory performance. - Relax your jaw.
“Bruxism,” also known as teeth grinding or jaw clenching, is a normal response in an age of continual tension, but it can lead to poor sleep and tooth fractures. When you’re stressed, leave more space between your teeth and concentrate on your breathing. Also, consider using a nocturnal mouth guard while sleeping. - Exercise in the cold.
Cold exposure converts white fat (the inflammatory fat linked to heart disease) to brown fat (the naturally occurring fat that generates heat) via a process known as thermogenesis. Essentially, your body must expend more energy to stay warm, which stimulates your metabolism. Norwegian research recommended spending 120 minutes outside per week throughout the winter. - Get off the toilet.
According to the “hydromechanics of defecation,” the average person only needs 12 seconds to complete his or her thing. However, guys frequently linger in the restroom, to the point where it is played for laughs in sitcoms. Stretching over the seat is a bad habit since it inflames the veins in the anal canal and can develop to hemorrhoids over time. - USE SUNSCREEN.
When melanoma metastasizes, the five-year survival rate plummets from 99% to 25%. An even more shocking statistic: between 1995 and 2014, 60% of those who died from head or neck melanoma were men aged 15 to 39. The sun is no joke; it can take your life prematurely if you don’t use sunscreen and schedule frequent screenings. - Take Power Naps.
Be careful: napping for more than an hour in the middle of the day has been connected to all-cause mortality. However, a 15- to 30-minute “power nap” improves cognitive performance and attentiveness. It strengthens memories in the brain, lowers stress after a long day, and energizes afternoons for exercise or socializing. - Pick up HIIT.
One of the most appealing aspects of modern exercise? It can happen quickly. Like, really quick. Exercising for 15 minutes, 4 minutes, or even 4 seconds has been shown to offer numerous benefits during the past decade. The argument is consistent: high-intensity, “all out” bursts of physical effort promote muscle growth, clear arteries, and add years to your life. - Learn to play again.
Playing is merely “childish” in the sense that it is more likely to be done by children. Playing, in whatever form it takes — tennis, pick-up hoops, chasing your kids with a super soaker — is critical for mental health at all ages and represents a significant departure from exercise evaluated only in discomfort and development. - WORRY LESS ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS.
Shouldn’t we make weight loss a priority? The situation is a little more complex. According to studies, obsessing on weight loss frequently results in “weight cycling,” which is the process of losing weight only to recover it all again. This puts strain on the body. Instead of trying to lose weight, focus on developing long-term habits. - Screen for cancer regularly.
This one combines the issue of physician-dodging with the requirement for sunscreen. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States, with lung, colon, and liver cancer accounting for the majority of deaths. It is vital that you take it seriously. Begin screening routinely at the age of 45. - Make sure to floss once a day.
There’s a reason dental hygienists get so annoyed when you admit to flossing only “once in a while.” Flossing does more than only prevent gum disease. It can prevent heart disease. When microorganisms enter the circulation via the mouth, arteries constrict in an immunological reaction. This strains vascular health. Flossing for two minutes directly affects life expectancy. - Practice sleep hygiene.
That does not mean washing your bedding once a week. Sleep hygiene is defined as “an upkeep of behaviors that help you sleep.” It essentially means considering the sleeping process as sacrosanct. Learn to keep a peaceful, cool, uncluttered, sleep-only bedroom and to use strategies that minimize your sleep latency (from reducing caffeine intake to purchasing blackout curtains). - Start running.
Running helps people live longer. That much is apparent. However, experts have concluded that the pace and distance of your run do not necessarily influence. Any type of running routine (up to four and a half hours per week) results with a 30% reduction in all-cause death. Going over that quantity will not cause any harm. Just be mindful about injuries. - GET INTO SWIMMING!
Swimming, on the other hand, may win the race when it comes to cardio workouts. The activity is ideal for aging since it is low-impact, burns a lot of calories, works the entire body, and promotes flexibility. It’s no surprise that swimmers were 50% less likely to die than frequent walkers and runners over a 32-year study. It’s time to get out the goggles. - Forget the Six-Pack.
Listen, chasing a six-pack is a waste of time that has nothing to do with how long you will survive on this earth. Overworking “show muscles” frequently comes at the expense of an effective, all-body workout. Double down on a broad training routine and a diet free of non-processed products, and you’ll naturally end up with a tighter core. - ASK FOR HELP.
Getting counsel from a family member or friend about your fitness quest, as well as hiring a personal trainer or making an appointment with an exercise physiologist, is not a show of weakness. It’s the ultimate indicator that you’re ready for change, devoted to transforming your life, and motivated to gain more out of it in the process.
Decision of diet to live a life upto 100

Motorcycles look wonderful, but their death rates don’t. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycle riders are 35 times more likely to be involved in a fatal collision than drivers. Even surviving comes at a cost: 96% of motorbike accidents cause injury. - DO NOT TAKE UP BASE JUMPING.
One of the most depressing databases you’ll ever see. The BASE fatalities list. BASE jumping bears up to eight times the risk of skydiving. Meanwhile, its more deadly relative, wingsuit flying, has a fatality rate of one in every 500 jumps. Unsurprisingly, almost everyone involved in the sport has a friend who has died young. - Do not eat processed foods.
Foods with added sugar, sodium, and fat are hurting us all. Processed food is not intended to be easy to avoid (it accounts for more than half of “dietary energy consumed” in the United States and the United Kingdom). But it’s vital that you cut back. Frozen pizzas, mayonnaise, Oreos, and other such foods significantly raise your risk of cardiovascular disease. - DON’T TAKE HARD DRUGS.
Aside from the obvious risk of overdose (opioid and psychostimulant mortality have increased since 1990), chronic and high-dose drug usage impairs dopaminergic function. In layman’s terms, the majority of the things you rely on for healthy living—motor control, motivation, arousal, and so on—become substantially impaired with time. - DO NOT INGEST TOBACCO.
Not to sound like an elementary school health instructor, but it is truly this easy. Tobacco smoking ranks second only to nutrition as the greatest cause of “premature, preventable death” in the United States. While cigarettes are commonly associated with lung cancer, nicotine consumption can also cause cancer of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. - Do not smoke e-cigarettes.
The majority of e-cigarettes include nicotine, but they all contain compounds that irritate the lungs. Consider this: they contain propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin (both poisonous to cells), acetaldehyde, formaldehyde (which can cause lung or heart illness), and acrolein (a pesticide commonly used to destroy weeds). - Don’t binge drink.
According to the CDC, a binge is “a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 g/dl or above.” This equates to about seven drinks per binge, with multiple binges per month. Health professionals unanimously agree that this is a bad idea. One study found that having 25 beers per week at age 40 can reduce life expectancy by up to five years. - Don’t eat hot dogs.
Twitter had a lot of fun with this one, but it’s true: a recent University of Michigan study found that eating a hot dog cuts 36 minutes off your life. That doesn’t quite compare to a single hit of heroin (24 hours off your life!), but it can set you on a vicious cycle of salty, highly processed “meat.” Avoid them, or save them for the occasional ballgame. - Don’t have unprotected sex.
While STIs are not more dangerous than driving (as one set of volunteers miscalculated in a research), they can cause infertility, urinary tract problems, and half a dozen different malignancies. Not to mention that unprotected sex can cause severe emotional stress in an activity that might otherwise help us stay healthy and joyful. - DON’T DRIVE UNDER IMPAIRMENT.
In America, someone is killed per hour as a result of a drunk driving event. This accounts for more than 30% of the country’s annual road deaths. Even if you’re a good driver, be prepared for those who aren’t (always wear a seat belt!) and consider additional ways you engage in distracted driving. Sending a single text pulls your eyes off the road for five seconds. - DO NOT LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.
Living close to nature reduces your risk of depression and obesity, hence extending your life. But there is such a thing as excessive solitude. Rural living might also imply a suppressed social life, too much time spent in the car, relying on Walmart for food, fending for yourself during natural disasters, and driving more than an hour for emergency medical care. - DON’T BLINDLY POP OTC PILLS.
We’ve grown so accustomed to using over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and Advil that we forget they’re, well, drugs. Always follow the capsule directions exactly. The former contains acetaminophen (which can cause liver problems in excessive dosages), whilst the latter is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (which can induce gastrointestinal bleeding if used incorrectly). - Don’t overeat.
Calorie restriction can help add years to your life, while unregulated calorie intake can do the opposite. The average American consumes 3,600 calories per day (up nearly 25% since the 1960s), while the national obesity rate stands at 42.4%. Obesity is associated with common comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. - DO NOT EAT MORE PROTEIN THAN YOU NEED.
The scientific data on this is rather obvious, however it may surprise the biggest guy at your gym. Reduced protein intake “plays a critical role in longevity and metabolic health.” Most American males consume twice as much protein as they require each day. This is caused by an excess of IGF-1, a growth factor that accelerates the aging process. - Don’t stay in a stressful job.
A 2015 study discovered that remaining with a difficult work — with an unreasonable supervisor, minimal social support, or looming layoffs — can practically cut two years off your life. A payment is a paycheck, but when a job begins to inflict huge emotional stress on you, the body is unable to distinguish between the first trigger being mental or physical. It will fall apart in either case. - DO NOT HOLD A GRUDGE.
People who are happy tend to live longer. Improve your pleasure by practicing “epistemic humility,” a philosophical virtue based on the belief that one can never know something for certain. It is intended to help us admit our flaws and forgive others. It sounds too wonderful to be true in the 2020s. All the more reason to try it. - Do not blame your genes.
When fewer than 25% of your genetics are responsible for your own lifespan, it makes little sense to deterministically blame your fate (or behaviors) on what occurred to your parents or grandparents. Learn about your family’s hazards, yet approach your daily activities and decisions with confidence and hope. - Don’t sit around all day.
The tagline “sitting is the new smoking” was widely used in online media. Not exactly, but sitting should be treated seriously as a public health concern. American adults sit for seven hours every day, which impairs the body’s capacity to break down fat, lowers metabolism, and raises blood pressure. Get active, even if it’s only for ten minutes. - DO NOT DOOMSCROLL.
Is this a new phrase for you? Doomscrolling is defined as “excessively scrolling through news or social media feeds looking for negative updates.” It combines smartphone addiction, a bad news cycle, and our innate desire to anticipate danger. However, this type of behavior has a negative impact on your mental health and, unexpectedly, never solves any problems. - Don’t binge-watch Netflix.
Over eight years ago, 61% of Netflix customers admitted to binge-watching video on the network. Since then, we’ve added five major streaming services, each with a rotating slate of programming, the majority of which feature highly anticipated full-season launches. While watching episodes seems like a treat, it causes eye strain, backaches, weight gain, and sleep deprivation. - DO NOT BINGE ON SCREENTIME.
American adults use their phones for up to six hours every day. Some of those hours are wasted doomscrolling, others delaying sleep (66% of adults bring their phones to bed), and far too much of it is spent gazing over other people’s airbrushed life updates. It’s not surprising that credible studies have compared Instagram to addictive medicines. - Don’t play American football.
Should you let your children play football?” became a culture war theme in the early 2010s, following groundbreaking CTE research. The honest answer is probably not. Avoid the full-contact version of the game, as it has the greatest concussion risk outside of rugby and can cause lasting brain damage. - DO NOT FOOL AROUND IN NATIONAL PARKS
Or state parks. Or the woods behind your home. Or any public place where you can hike, swim, and camp without the presence of a professional ranger to assist you at any time. People frequently die from drowning, falls, exposure, animal encounters, and selfie sticks. The issue is more important than ever in the epidemic era, when beginner hikers rush to wilderness. - DO NOT MESS WITH FIREARMS.
There are 120.5 firearms for every 100 individuals in America. A staggering 73% of killings include a firearm. The frightening truth is that you can easily find yourself in the wrong location at the wrong moment in this country. Still, the least you can do is keep weapons out of your home, as 27,000 individuals are hospitalized each year due to accidental gunshot injuries. - DO NOT IGNORE AIR QUALITY.
Dirty air kills more people than all transportation accidents and shootings combined, causing one in every 25 Americans to die prematurely. Train yourself to check the Air Quality Index (AQI) in your iPhone’s weather app. Anything beyond 100 indicates that the air “is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups.” You can postpone your run till tomorrow.
Steps for life upto 100
- Check your household products.
We knew we despised shampoo. Shampoos, scents, cleansers, and plastics all contain chemicals known as phthalates. When they enter the body, they diminish the stress hormone cortisol, disrupt metabolism, harm the reproductive system, and can result in exceedingly preventable premature deaths. - LIVE WITH PURPOSE.
Okinawans pronounce ikigai, while Nicoyans in Costa Rica speak plan de vida. Each sentence translates to “why I wake up in the morning.” Discovering that “why” might be arbitrary and difficult, but it frequently leads people to pursuits and causes beyond themselves. And, according to science, believing your life is important allows you to live it more fully. - Manage negative thought loops.
Negative thought loops deceive us into believing we are being productive (we psychoanalyze uncomfortable memories, prepare for imaginary dangers, and rethink life decisions), but in reality we are willingly drowning in a puddle of anxiety, activating a hormone-fueled “fight or flight” response that cannot be addressed in the present moment. - Have a plan after retirement.
Not necessarily a financial plan, but that is also an excellent concept. A surprise study found that working longer hours can help people live longer lives. Remember that occupations may be real-world lifelines for many people—they provide social interaction, time away from the house, and demanding projects. It’s also crucial to have goals and communities to keep you busy after retirement. - Pick up “FOREST BATHING”
Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term that refers to “forest bathing,” or the act of experiencing nature through all of your senses. According to recent research, adults spend 93% of their time indoors, which has a negative impact on mental health (“stir crazy” is scientific). The exact reverse is true for spending time outside. A single woodland “bath” lowers scores for depression, weariness, and anxiety. - Sit down by a body of water.
Look at a map of the world’s Blue Zones. Each is concentrated along the coast. Living beside the water, or in a “blue space,” has been associated to a 17% lower mortality rate. According to one study, living within 250 meters of a beach setting reduces stress levels, with the fragrance and noises serving as a “wonderful tonic.” - Play board games.
People who play non-digital games on a daily basis are more likely to perform well on memory and cognitive tests in their 70s, according to a 2019 study. Games like cards, chess, and crosswords are more than just stress relievers; they also improve cognitive performance and slow cognitive decline. Fortunately, this also applies if you come to them later in life. - Join a team.
Team sports provide a wealth of longevity. They mix regular social engagement, hard exercise, and play, all of which provide enormous benefits for your physical and mental health. According to one study, participating in an adult soccer league as your major means of exercise (rather than jogging alone) could add five years to your life. - Tell the truth.
Another reason to avoid politics: lying shortens your life. Telling lies causes emotional stress, which can show as physical stress. Regardless of the immediate benefit, lying raises your risk of anxiety and depression, can destroy relationships over time, and erodes your self-worth. - LISTEN TO LIVE MUSIC TWICE PER MONTH
Take the fortnightly frequency with a grain of salt (it is based on a study commissioned by British entertainment company O2), but we do know that live concerts are attentive, socially rich experiences. Assuming you don’t need to binge drink or take acid every time you go, scheduling concerts each month is a great idea. - TAKE COLDER SHOWERS.
Like Ian Fleming’s James Bond, complete your shower with an ice-cold “Scottish” rinse. If you can manage it, up to a minute is ideal (after a morning workout). The routine will reduce blood pressure, boost your immune system, and even alter your mood by releasing joyful neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, and serotonin. - READ BEFORE BED.
According to one study from the Yale University School of Public Health, “people who read books for at least 30 minutes a day live nearly two years longer than non-readers.” Reading reduces heart rate and muscle tension, fosters empathy (especially if you’re reading fiction), and aids in the treatment of insomnia. Start with one chapter per day. - Keep a journal.
Personal journaling can indicate a staggering 53% reduction in all-cause dementia risk. The action increases your “cognitive reserve” in the long run while improving your memory in the short term. Oh, and taking notes with a pen and paper is essential; it is simpler to summarize and retain information than taking notes on a computer. - Embrace behavioral activity
The expression refers to carrying out an action that requires mental clarity. Consider cooking, gardening, or walking the dog. While these may appear to be duties, they are actually avenues for positive thinking and production. It is an effective treatment for depression and other mood disorders, whereas waiting just exacerbates symptoms. - AVOID SOCIAL JETLAGS
Social jet lag occurs when the body’s sleep-wake cycle is suddenly disrupted. When you choose to stay up late on a Saturday, you advance the “midpoint” of your sleep cycle. You then have to revert to your normal internal clock in time for Monday morning, which affects everything from body temperature to metabolism. - Learn a language.
This is similar to “eat a bowl of almonds,” which we’ve all heard before. But it is also completely true. Bilingual brains age more slowly than monolingual brains, which delays neurological disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. It’s never too late, and don’t be discouraged if learning and studying a second language seems out of reach – the simple act of doing so has a favorable impact on the brain. - Show up to events.
Researchers are convinced: “Social connections are probably the single-most important feature of living a long, healthy, happy life.” Attending functions with family and friends (rather than worrying out and avoiding them) demonstrates that you can be a light, reliable presence in other people’s lives. The invitations will keep flowing, and you will be better off as a result. - Maintain friendships.
Sardinia, where centenarians swim, was the first Blue Zone region to be identified. The island’s males finish each day at a local tavern to catch up with long-time pals. In America, where 15% of middle-aged men report having no close friends, this type of dynamic everyday encounter (whether at a bar or a book club) could be transformative. - MAKE TIME FOR TRAVEL.
First and foremost, make time for vacation – workaholic Americans waste hundreds of millions of vacation days each year out of fear of being replaced by employers. Then utilize that time to go visit the globe you’ve read so much about; just two excursions each year increases emotions of contentment while lowering your risk of heart disease. - Visit Museums.
Or go to the ballet. Or go to an experimental art show put on by your friend’s friend (even if you’re not interested). Those who get their “culture fix” on a regular basis are 14% less likely to die younger than the average person. There is a correlation-over-causation dispute, but experiencing art is always good. - Discover your spiritual side.
You may not want anything to do with religion. However, the findings are undisputed. People of religion have longer lives, sometimes by as much as four years. Congregations meet at the same time every week, share stories, and volunteer in their communities. These rituals are particularly effective in terms of increasing longevity. It’s worthwhile to identify your equivalent. - Change your mind.
Never in the history of the internet has anyone said, “My bad, I’ve changed my mind.” Maybe they should start. Challenging yourself to see beyond your flaws is a powerful stress reliever that frees your entire thinking. Stop fighting in circles. Accept that other people know stuff. Then live longer for it. - HAVE A FAMILY.
It’s a wonderful idea to grow old with younger folks. Adults with at least one kid have higher levels of social engagement and lower death rates. On a less positive side, males who marry younger women tend to live longer lives. Younger spouses have a beneficial psychological effect and more capable caregivers in the twilight years. - SUMMON EMPATHY.
The entire society is currently experiencing a “empathy crisis,” therefore it’s fine if thinking about others requires a little more work. Monitoring and improving your empathetic capacity is connected with life happiness and positive “interaction profiles” (how you relate to others), regardless of age. - CELEBRATE AGING.
Not just for birthday cakes. Those who view aging positively tend to age more easily than others. Instead of worrying about the wrinkles beneath your eyes, take a proactive approach to the future. Maybe you’ll get to 100. Perhaps you will not. However, the best chance you have is to live your best life along the way.